Settled Matter | Short Stories of the Anhult Wildlands

Settled Matter

My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor

Written by George Sanders

In a hole in the ground there lived a curious creature. Mind you, it wasn't just any hole in the ground. Early on, I tried shining a lantern in the hole, and the light stopped a few feet into the borrow. It was cold and damp, as you would expect, right up to the darkness, but then the air got thick, and friction heated the slightest movement. My hand nearly got stuck and could have burned, the darkness was so dense.   As for the creature, it was larger than a rabbit and moved like one. However, its ears and face had the look of a cat. It would ferry papers, tools, and various items in and out of its burrow. There had to be a hoard within its home, but I could not reach it. Before you think of me as a common thief, I was just monitoring to ensure the creature wasn't a threat.   Bags, books, rolled-up parchments, and occasionally plates or silverware would be carried into its home. The creature shuffled or hopped on its rear legs. Enlongated front claws could have been gloved hands, so I admit this whole sighting could be a trick of the mind. Plus, with frost fairies and other dark creatures haunting the woods, maybe it wasn't a rabbit-cat.   The cup of tea settled the matter. While I waited for the creature to return, the warm summer night got the best of me, and I dozed off. When I woke, near to me, up in my perch, an earthen mug balanced on a branch. Depictions of rabbit-cats circled the mug. Glazed with paint baked to a high gloss shine, the mug represented a gift or perhaps a trade. It's sweet, cold drink boosted my energy.  

  The story ended there. The writing stopped halfway down the page of the journal with no further conclusion. Closing the book made it vibrate. Setting the book down would launch it back into your hands. The journal had one more thing to share. Re-opening the book sent the pages slipping by faster than before, turning to the page after the story ended. Words written by a different hand filled the page.  


Stuck in a tree
tall and fluffy on top
no tags but friendly.


Will foster until claimed.


To contact me
Tap two times not three.


Thanks for reading my flash fiction! This story was part of the Storytelling Collective's 2024 Flash Fiction February Challenge. Get quick access to more flash fiction, poetry, novels, and ttrpg games built around my stories by joining my newsletter or following my world:

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Cover image: Forest During the Daytime by Tim Mossholder


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