Tangled Roots of Rage

My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor

“When your rage is choking you, it is best to say nothing.” - Fledgling

Written by George Sanders

Rain poured over her eye brows robbing her of any chance to cry. The booming thunder felt a world away. Even the mud under her body rejected her, racing away in the downpour. She stumbled and slipped in her fury. Hands clawed at grass and roots to hold on to the spinning earth. Where bark had been, torn skin ached and oozed blood. Where leaves had exhaled, lungs now coughed and wheezed to recover from the fight.


The cold rain sapped what remained of her energy, memories of the cold wastes that overtook her home rushed back into her consciousness. The bitter magic that banished her to these woods never took her identity. It's numbing and wintry hatred never separated her from nature like her enemy did tonight. Sure, she was an exile in this forest but she had been safe.


All around her the remains of vile beasts emitted the their last breath. Bone jutted out of the back of one. Legs twisted to the sky on another. Each contorted pile of fur, flesh, and bone stoked her anger. The hot breath of one last beast blasted against her neck. Her fury had not been enough.



In front of her, the rain danced off the aura of a cloaked man. He stood there with his gnarled staff and laughed. The last beast's teeth clamped down as she tried to lunge for him.


"Impressive. But, you should not be here. You are a threat to my forest. How did you get here?" The man tightened his grip on the staff. His aura flared and struck like lightning.


Pain erupted from every nerve ending. Even though the beast's bite released, she could not fight or run. Her screams reverberated across the forest, flowing over ridges and down ravines.


As the pain faded the man continued questioning, "Who sent you here?"


She could only gasp for air with her new lungs but had no intention of answering. Behind him, the tree she had been ripped from laid spilt in two. Black ichor dripped from the broken wood. She looked upon her dead body with rage, ready to fight. Her scream rolled across the wildlands again.


"Exorcised spirit! You are under my control now. Crawl. I may have some use of you. Crawl!"


The command shuttered through her bones. Muscle moved against her will. Her mind raced but could not untangle the root of his power over her, for now.


Tangled Roots of Rage relates to the Wildlands Unleashed story I started exploring in WorldEmber, Dec 2024. The events here occur a few minutes after that story

Wildlands Unleashed
Prose | Dec 21, 2024

Rain fell gently on a canopy of needles and leaves. They dripped their wetness onto the ground. Water mixed with soil and bled a burst of scents into the air. Vibrant and urgent enough to summon me from slumber. What brought it such unease now?

Thanks for reading my flash fiction! This story was part of the Storytelling Collective's 2025 Flash Fiction February Challenge. Get quick access to more flash fiction, poetry, novels, and ttrpg games built around my stories by joining my newsletter or following my world:

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Cover image: Forest During the Daytime by Tim Mossholder


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