Transformations | Short Stories of the Anhult Wildlands


My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor

Written by George Sanders

The old stairs creaked and groaned under the weight of boots. Two people descended the stairs. Dim light kept crates, sacks, and barrels tucked into their spots in the basement storage room.   "Animals with legal rights and court trials may seem odd at first, but the law has to cover more than just people in a land with shape-shifting druids and awakened trees. With disease and magic rampant, it became all too common to scapegoat a dog or cat running free for any misdeed or illness. In the South, animals were frequently hunted and burned. As Etonia grew, the council aimed to prevent some of that from repeating here, so they set up the Animal Protection office. I'm Coban, by the way."   The man describing his job had to duck his head to clear the basement ceiling. His large frame squeezed into the room. A toothy smile stood out next to the greenish tint of his skin. He was Sogut ('soe-yt), one of the indigenous peoples of the Wildlands.   The back of the storage room had been converted into a temporary refuge for rescued animals. Old crates had been filled with straw. Blankets laid bunched up in each. Toys that consumed the animals' attention were scattered across the floor while they slept. A large metal pan had been used to bring them food, but it had been torn into bits- most of it eaten with the food. The animals were severely malnourished after being sealed in a cave for an unknown period. The animal protection officer continued his analysis.   "They could be some weasel, cat, or even a spider. The eight legs present a body plan not seen in other beasts except arachnids. However, no arachnid has fur. The eyes appear cat-like, but the long body and way they move are reminiscent of a weasel. Omnivores, including the ability to digest metal." The summary of his investigation faded into a children's song. "Mighty Tawo, where will you go when the revelry is over, and there is no need for composure."   "What is a Tawo?"   He smiled at the question, "That is what my people call a cat, but the old meaning is forest protector or perhaps land hunter, or some combination." he chuckled as he shrugged at the intuitive nature of the language, "It is said that from deep in the forest, others would come to be protectors. Sometimes, tales would say they guarded treasure. Others say they guarded leaders. My people lived here for generations without seeing a Tawo. However, we have old memories preserved in stories and songs of what was before us. The Tawo were vibrant but known for their love of a good nap. These animals reminded me of that song."   "Did Tawo have eight legs?"   He chuckled as he answered, "No, they walked with two legs like us. I wonder if this could be a magic transformation, though." He started to lay out components for a ritual to test for the presence of magic. "If there is a connection to the Tawo, we will live in blessed times. I do not believe that any darkness will endure."  

Thanks for reading my flash fiction! This story was part of the Storytelling Collective's 2024 Flash Fiction February Challenge. Get quick access to more flash fiction, poetry, novels, and ttrpg games built around my stories by joining my newsletter or following my world:

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Cover image: Forest During the Daytime by Tim Mossholder


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