Experience the World

My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor

What does it mean to experience the world? Well, you can read the flash fiction, short stories, and poetry on this web site and you could join me for a virtual ttrpg (tabletop role-playing game) session! You can subscribe to my Patreon to play in an ongoing Anhult Wildlands 5e campaign, details in the sidebar.



Or instead of a monthly fee, as professional Game Master, I have games running almost every week. You can purchase a ticket for one of the virtual games below. There are a variety of Dungeons and Dragons games available.

How Do I Play Virtually?
For my patreon campaign or private games, we'll create a character, equip a few tools on your computer including Discord and Roll20. Don't worry, it's a free action for both. Next, you'll join the party for a virtual session zero. Then, we'll run the adventure and have an awesome shared storytelling experience.


The Virtual Play D&D Weekends are Adventurers League organized play events through Preferred Organizer Baldman Games. The process getting set up for those events is similar to my custom ttrpg games. We'll equip a few tools on your computer, Discord and Roll20. We'll met some new friends then get to play Adventurers League and other official storylines!

Virtual Events


July Virtual D&D Weekend

  • July 12th - 14th

  • Tickets Available ~10 days before event- Tuesday July 2nd at Noon EST.
  • Game play and character creation follow Adventurers League rules. Details provided with your ticket.
  • New characters (and players) welcome and start at 1st or 5th level depending on the tier of the adventure. Table descriptions will note if a table is not for new characters.
  • Tickets for my table(s) at Virtual D&D Weekends will available on Tabletop.Events or click "Buy!" below.

Table Date Title Description Price
Table 13Buy! Fri 7/12 7pm-11pm EDT The Monoliths at Sunrise The thief who stole a powerful artifact from Thay has eluded everyone thus far. Meanwhile, Rashemi scouts report that demons are prowling the High Country, and a great emerald gem dragon has been sighted near the Sunrise Mountains. Could all this be the thief’s own doing? Part of the Kindred Spirits series of adventures. A four-hour adventure for 5th through 10th level characters in the Forgotten Realms campaign.
2 tickets left
Table 26Buy! Sat 7/13 9am-1pm EDT Nightmare of the Naga Time has been tampered with and the nightmarish unraveling of an archfey has disastrous consequences on the domain. Tasked to travel through time, space and dreams, you must save us all from this nightmare. Part of the Zodiac Tales. A four-hour adventure for 5th through 10th level characters in the Forgotten Realms campaign.
1 ticket left!


Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen Campaign

  • July 25th 8pm EDT

  • We played through the chapters of the hardcover! Now, we are Tier 3 (level 11-16) and summoned to the Radiant Citadel. We will play the four tier 3 adventures from Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel book then complete tier 3 with a Dragonlance trilogy I wrote.
  • Games are every other Thursday. Each 4 hour virtual session uses Discord and Roll20 (free tools).
  • Players with a Tier 3 Dragonlance Adventurers League character welcome.
  • Adventurers League is the organized play community for Dungeons & Dragons(tm).

Table Date Title Description Price
Buy! Thu 7/11 8pm EDT Buried Dynasty A gem encrusted pod, lands outside Kalaman. The council summons the Heroes of Kalaman to investigate. The gods themselves have need of the heroes in another realm, Great Xing, as they try to block Takhisis' plans. Recently, the secret to the maintaining the longevity of the emperor was lost. If the long rule of the White Jade Emperor draws to a close it will mean a disruptive transition the likes of which have been unknown for generations.
2 tickets left!


Humblewood Campaign: An Adventure in the Wood

  • July 29th 8pm EDT or

  • August 10th 12pm EDT

  • Games are either every other Saturday or every other Monday. Each 4 hour virtual session uses Discord and Roll20 (free tools).
  • New players welcome.
  • Check out the Adventurers League Players Guide v14 for details on how to make a character. We will also be using custom races, backgrounds, feats, and spells from the Humblewood campaign setting - shared via D&D Beyond.

Table Date Title Description Price
Buy! Monday 7/29 8pm EDT Part 1 - The Adventure Begins Meadowfen has been quiet for as long as anyone can remember, and life there goes by slowly. Recently, Meadowfen has fallen on hard times. Seasonal rainfalls haven’t arrived, leaving the fields barren. To make matters worse, trade wagons sent to provide relief have gone missing, fueling rumors of bandits prowling the roadways. Now, an injured messenger has arrived...
3 tickets left!
Buy! Sat 8/10 12pm EDT Part 1 - The Adventure Begins Meadowfen has been quiet for as long as anyone can remember, and life there goes by slowly. Recently, Meadowfen has fallen on hard times. Seasonal rainfalls haven’t arrived, leaving the fields barren. To make matters worse, trade wagons sent to provide relief have gone missing, fueling rumors of bandits prowling the roadways. Now, an injured messenger has arrived...
2 tickets left!


Adventure April Premier Livestream

  • Saturday, June 10th, 2pm EDT - 5pm EDT!
  • Broadcast will be on Twitch at twitch.tv/ragexkagexrugger
  • Lavani and the Church of the Silver Dragon have a plan to defeat the demon, Acogzluk. Can their heroes overcome his ensnaring might?

  Kobold Press's - Chronicles Organized Play *add h2

  • July 30th (Last Sunday of each month) *add h3
  • New monthly virtual gaming event running adventures written by Kobold Press
  • Join one 4 hour virtual session using Discord and Roll20 (free tools).
  • New players welcome. This month we are using pre-generated characters. Extra easy!
  • Eventually games will be using the new Tales of the Valiant 5e compatible system. This month we are using standard 5e rules.

Table Date Title Description Price
Table 1Sign Up! Sun 7/30 12pm-4pm EDT Blood Vaults of Sister Alkava Hurry to the village of Karvolia. The call for adventurers said Sister Alkava has asked for a second round of blood donors for the Red Goddess. Yet, the first round has not returned. Something is not right. Have donors become sacrifices?
Table 2Sign Up! Sun 7/30 7pm-11pm EDT Blood Vaults of Sister Alkava Hurry to the village of Karvolia. The call for adventurers said Sister Alkava has asked for a second round of blood donors for the Red Goddess. Yet, the first round has not returned. Something is not right. Have donors become sacrifices?

Future Events

2022 Holiday D&D

  • Dec 28th-31st
  • Free Tickets available soon!
  • Games sessions available for 2 new adventures I have written
  • Tickets and times for my table(s) will available on my Discord Server, Join Discord or email me if you have an interest in

  Virtual Gen Con *add h3

  • August 4th-6th
  • Tickets Available on the Gen Con online web site.
  • Selecting my table will not be an option as players will be assigned tables when they join the game session.


August Virtual D&D Weekend

  • August 16th-18th
  • Tickets Available ~10 days before event.
  • Tickets for my table(s) will available at the Tabletop.Events

  August Kobold Chronicles *add h3

  • August 27th
  • Tickets Available ~3 days before event.
  • This will be a Tales of the Valient Preview Adventure!
  • Tickets for my table(s) will available on Startplaying.games


Play Some Games


Anhult Patreon Campaign

The path is long and dark forces will reach out to challenge you but heroes are needed. I will be your guide (and Game Master), walk with me on a journey through the Anhult Wildlands. I have walked out of the forest and into the sun-soaked fields around Pale Gear. I climbed the Anhult Rise along the Long Road North. I soared in the air over the rolling fields around Etonia. My ears heard the calls of crews navigating the Bay of Claws. Champions will find an inviting community, a place worth the fight to protect. Will you answer the call?


To Heed my Words:
[ ] Navigate to my Patreon Page
[ ] Join at the "Ardelis' Arrows" Tier
[ ] Support my writing while you play!


We will play virtually once a month in the Anhult Wildlands. Delve into the story, explore a growing world, and fight for a worthy cause. New players or experienced players are welcome at an inclusive table with plenty of roleplaying, a wilderness to explore, and challenging encounters.

About My Adventures

Mystery at Thorngage Manor

Few have dared to venture close to the old settlement. That's due to the rumors. Rumors that something watches you as you walk around the central path between the buildings. Stories are told by parents that children disappear who venture through the woods and go too close to Thorngage Manor.

A few adventurers have declared they were heading to get the treasures but have not been heard from since they embarked on their mission. Perhaps they found the treasure and headed off to their retirement in some Southern city...or perhaps not.

Check back soon for times

Race to the Ruins

As the Innkeeper returned from the second floor and greatted another group that entered the Inn. Vlad watched from the common room. He thought to himself, "Blast, It's Bartholomew and three others from Coral Gate. Recovery of artifacts from the ruins just got more complicated. I'm going to need some help." He considered his options while sitting by the fireplace in the common room of the Red Lion Inn

Vlad approached your table with a proposition, "A healthy hike through the forest and an afternoon studying old buildings. A little digging. That is all I need. I pay well."

Check back soon for times.

Save the Goblins

As Winter turned to Spring, the Goblin Tribe in the hills started to harass travelers and encroach upon the villages scattered through the forest. Skirmishes between settlers and bands of 4-6 goblins became common. A bounty for Goblin ears was set by the Etonia guard.


The city was preparing to send an expeditionary force. Shortly after the spring cross-quarter, the attacks stopped. No goblins were seen in the forest at all.


Most people in the forest felt this was a blessing. The new mayor of Monsilt believed it was an ominous sign. Her concerns were verified when two goblins showed up in town asking for assistance.

Check back soon for times

Cover image: Forest During the Daytime by Tim Mossholder


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Dec 28, 2022 22:04 by Darren McHaffie

Save the gobbos? Why not feed 'em to the boyz for lunch?

Dec 31, 2022 03:51 by George Sanders

Gotta keep those players thinking and turn things around sometimes.

Write for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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