
My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor

Written by George Sanders

After the Horde war in the South there weren't enough workers in the cities to keep things operating smoothly. The constant shortage of silverworkers, blacksmiths, woodworkers, tinkers, craftsman, masons, and many others led to traveling tradesmen. The needed safe places to stay and manage jobs. Guilds formed and set up their own workshops where job requests could be made.   In Etonia they challenge was extra difficult. How could the traveling tradesmen be brought this far North. The Etonia Fish and Biscuit Rally was one answer. The popular event brought well paid tradesmen and merchants North. From there, a few could be convinced to set up shop. The Construction Guild grew the fastest but with the ground work laid a Miners Guild, Dock Workers Guild, Heralds Guild, and Merchant guide weren't far behind.   A flood of refugees meant trademen had plenty of apprentices. The city often paid them to set up a shop, with requirement to train a few apprentices each year for a certain number of years. The guilds began a three tier ranking system. Master tradesmen got the most jobs and could quote the highest rates. Journeyman worked independently but received jobs after the Master tradesmen's capacity was full. The Master tradesmen could bring on up to three apprentices a year.   Each ranking had a pin. All members received access to guild halls, tavern discounts, and housing. Competition was fierce but the opportunity was large as well. Not only were skilled craftsmen needed in Etonia but also the forest villages. This made guild-life a subculture in the city even to the point that the larger guilds were given a seat on the Council.  
Guild Name
Portfolio of Jobs
Member Count
Construction Guild
Carpenters, locksmiths, masons, silver smiths, wordworkers
Dock Workers Guild
Fishers, dock workers, sailors, coopers
Heralds Guild
Messengers, performers, and heralds
Merchants Guild
Bakers, blacksmiths, butchers, ferriers, tinkers, traveling peddlers, farmers
Member Count
Miners Guild
Laborers, Miners

Cover image: Forest During the Daytime by Tim Mossholder


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