Hamal Concordia Monastery

My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor

Written by George Sanders

Welcome to the Hamal. I am Greeting Others. Have you come to meditate? or participate in one of the new master's trainings?   A hexagonal garden with a large pond offer the first experience of the Hamal Monastery. Monks work tirelessly on beds filled with red, pink, and yellow flowers. A simple wood gazebo stands on the short of the pond. Stone paths lead past the gazebo and around the pond. An occasional ripple in the pond or splash gives away the presence of fish and frogs.   Our guide bowed to the pond. "Meditations are held every three hours. You can get treats for the fish in the kitchen if you wish to feed them."   A lattice covered trelis outlines five of the edges of the garden. Benches and carefully places stones provide places to rest and meditate. Manicured bushes and fruit trees line up before sixth edge and the main building of the Monastery. The two story structure looks out on the garden with large floor to roof windows.   With hands up in the air our guide explained, "That is the main training room. The entrance is on the left. The hallway runs the length of the building. Rooms for guests line the back of the building. The second floor is reserved for monks."   He continued, "The training for this afternoon is Mental Development of Wisdom: The First Ten Rules. It starts promptly when the bell tolls two."   The bell in the center of the garden tolled once at the moment. The clear tone reverbabrated across the garden. You could see the glass of the windows flex and retract. For a moment it felt as if there were no cares in the world.   Our guide clapped his hands together, "Ah. Meditation is beginning. Would you like to join my by the pond? Leave your bags, we will return to show you your rooms and you may pick them up at that time."

Cover image: Forest During the Daytime by Tim Mossholder


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