
My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor

Written by George Sanders

The Everst Mine cave-in finished off most of the Mining Guild's mules. I didn't bring Cosmo here to rear a bunch of hybrids but the ole boy isn't as picky as most stallions.   We were preparing for a day with a mare at a farm about an hour East of Etonia when a journeyman from the guild came by the stables. They had three female donkeys left. The trio did work at the guildhall while the mules and male donkeys were assigned to woek at the silver mine. The donkeys surveyed the stables as the journeyman and stable master talked.   The few stallions that were in the stable were either for the city guard or stabled by private owners. The stable master would have to send out inquires to see which horses would be available.   When the journeyman said he would pay well for the services I felt it was time to introduce myself and Cosmo. "Hi, I'm Murry and this is Cosmo." I patted his neck and brushed his near side. It was a signal for Cosmo to stand up straight and strut a bit. He performed well and one of the Donkey's brayed in response.   The journeyman responded as well, "Hi, I'm Martin. I sure would like to get this take care of as soon as possible."   I nodded and looked to the stable master, "Bakir, would you draw up a contract for us? You know my rates."   Bakir pulled off his gloved and dusted them off on his pants. "I'll be back in ten minutes. I wouldn't wait, those two are ready to go."   Martin couldn't believe his luck. "I'll be back in time for happy hour."   I cautioned. "Martin, it's one per day. Cosmo needs rest to perform the best. We'll get him and the happy lady there together today. Then I'll reschedule today's mare for tomorrow. We can pick up with your other two after that."   Martin wasn't the donkey's regular handler, clearly, but they did trust him enough to follow him here so when he apologized for getting too excited I took him at his word.   To difuse any concern I added, "Don't worry, Cosmo enjoys his work."

Cover image: Forest During the Daytime by Tim Mossholder


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