Knights of the Silver Dragon

My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor

Written by George Sanders

The thickest wool rug covered the stone floor in the barrack's common room. Several sturdy tables served as dining tables and for downtime. Tall-back plush chairs lined the walls. The room was lit by the row of stones in the wall near the ceiling. The knights say the Silver Dragon's spirit powered the light.   The common room sat at the corner of the hallway between the high priest's office and sleeping quarters for the knights. Each knight shared a room with four other knights. The beds were large and comfortable adorned with elaborate woodworking. A single chest held the belongings of each knight.   The Vow of Poverty sworn to by the knights meant they had a minimal amount of personal ownership but that did not extend to their barracks. In fact, the high priest made it a focus of the church to not make the knights live in discomfort like some orders in the South. Accumulation of wealth by the church was not allowed either so all funds are spent on the services provided to the community and accomodations for the adherents of the faith. Not all knights lived in the barracks but were still expected to live by the vows and tenants of the faith. Property could be held by a spouse or family but the knight would decline any right of inheritance.   Likewise, the Vow of Piety, demanded respect and devotion to the Spirit of the Silver Dragon but never blind faith. Those under the care of the knights were to be shown the same respect. Some knights advocated for this to be known as the Vow of Stewardship, but the radical order already stood apart from other knighthoods. The High Priest felt it was smart to provide a path for converts and not make a barrier to entry.   The Vow of Restraint completed the core tenants of the knighthood. Violence was to be a tool of last resort, but this also applied to all aspects of life. Demanding the knight maintain a balance in training, lifestyle, and service.   The knights operate in units of four with one senior knight as a leader. As seniority is gained each knight trained in different skills making them less a heavy calvary unit and more of a versatile special forces unit. When their martial skills were not called upon it was expected the knights would assist in the Church's hospital, soup kitchen, or in community outreach. One knight often accompanied the High Priest to the Council meetings in Etonia.

Cover image: Forest During the Daytime by Tim Mossholder


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