Lost Border

My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor

Written by George Sanders

Frost covered the ground and bit at my wounds. My legs went numb some time ago. The cold seaped into my armor, dragging me faster into oblivion, as I laid on the ground. The border to the sun soaked lands of Eylium lay a mere thirty feet away. I had to cross the boundary.   My clawing to refuge paused as the battle returned. The huntress emerged from behind a tree her silver armor and green cloak settled around her form. She held a bow that looked like a living branch but her right arm hung useless at her side. Her silver swords were missing from their scabbards.   Bells rang out with a piercing despair. "No, aah!" My breath froze in front of my face as the temperature dropped and took the air from my lungs, interrupting my plea.   A white elk towered over the huntress. Glain, the lord of the frozen land, had defeated the Queen's army. He rode slowly forward on the elk.   Crack! A whip hit the huntress dropping her to one knee.   Glain brought his hand up. Lightning crackled among the trees then arched into the huntress' body. Her cloak turned black as she hit the ground.   There were only ten feet left. I had to get through to warn my Queen. I could do it.   Crack! The whip wrapped around my right arm. Glain's foot steps reverberated through the ground.   "Foolish warrior, your queen can't save you. She won't even remember she sent you." Glain laughed as he stepped on my arm.   His target was the tattoo, three hearts stacked on top of each other. Powered by our own lifeforce, it allowed us to pass through the boundary. The queen herself had gifted each warrior one. Her priests embedded the intricate pattern in each right arm. We had become the Arms of Eylium .   For the longest time, I couldn't remember where I was or why I sat forgotten in this cell. My link to the Queen's domain had been severed. I believe I had been the last of us because the boundary started to move away. I fear that those I fought for have now succumbed to Glain. His domain would push right to the gates of Eylium and no one inside would even know.

Cover image: Forest During the Daytime by Tim Mossholder


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