Return of Acgozluk

My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor

Written by George Sanders


One-shot adventure for 2-6 players in the Anhult Wildlands Setting. This adventure leads a party straight into the fight for the Anhult Wildlands. Players start as 5th level characters. The game is laid out to be system agnostic but is easily adaptable to any 5e or Pathfinder 2e compatible system.


Sanem dodged between two hand carts on her way to the South Gate. "Excuse me!" she called as she pushed around a neighbor walking on the side of the street. "Captain! Captain Arroyo, I need to find my brother Tymal. My grandmother needs him." The captain of the guard took off his helm. "He is in Trier, Sanem. Probably on his way back in a few days though. What's wrong?" She clasped her hands so tight they were white. "My grandmother will tell you, hurry it is important for everyone's safety." She held his arm as they hurried down the street.



Sanem's grandmother had a vision, a warning of an ancient evil coming for her. Greed, Envy, and Avarice spread from this demon. Soon, it would come for all of the forest and Etonia.   As an elder from the forest she was well versed in the stories of her people. In the beginning, it was the Great Wyrm, a silver dragon, that stood against the tyrant Damik and the demon Acgozluk. Her people were saved by the dragon in that fight and he has always protected them. Many generations passed since Damik fell, but the people of the forest still venerate the dragon and watch for Acogzluk.   In recent years family members in the forest started to disappear. Many of the people of the forest immigrated to the city of Etonia. It held a chance to begin anew as well as a church dedicated to the silver dragon. The people of the forest received a warm welcome and contributed much to the city's current growth. Some became merchants, some work for the city, and many give thanks at the Church of the Silver Dragon. A few have joined the City Guard, study at the Avast Library, or joined the clergy of the Church.  

  Kale and his family moved to Etonia after the last winter. He struggled to find work. The mine looked promising but a cave-in and other trouble in the forest left him running errands for merchants. He hoped to do something more and signed up to train as a knight for the church. That was a big role to fill as service to the silver dragon remained an honored position among his people. A week into his training, before doubts sunk in, a portal had opened in the church. It portrayed a scene of danger and he reacted.   He was with a group of knights that ran into the portal. They saw a battle swirled above the trees. Dark creatures flapped their wings and slashed with long claws as they spiraled. There was no doubt now. The demon had returned. They were not alone in this fight. His cousin had found the demon's lair far out in the forest. Her notes about the layout were crisp in his hands. And the forest itself protected him as he returned to warn the city.  


(text available to GMs with purchase)


Adventure Hooks

Word arrived in Etonia of an ancient threat in the deep forest. The Knights of the Silver Dragon prepare to aid the forest and put an end to the demon. They need city guards and scouts, Avast Library sages, or any experienced adventurers. The people from the forest make up many of those that volunteered but treasure and promise of glory draw in others.


Heralds warnings echo in the streets of Etonia. Messages sent via magic soar to allies asking for their immediate support. Plans were still being hatched as the first knights entered the portal.

  You can experience the adventure by reading my adventure introduction and viewing the recording of the actual play. Join my discord server to take part in future playtests. You can purchase my one-shots on or DriveThruRPG to run in your own games. Return of Acgozluk will be available for purchase soon.


Support Pages

Appointment with an Old Enemy

A Visit to the Wildlands

Tips on Running

Map and Room Details

Forest Events Table

Random Encounters

Plants and Rocks Lore


Table of Contents


*** No players below this point please ***


Chapter 1 - Church of the Silver Dragon

1 hour (text available to GMs with purchase)

Church of the Silver Dragon


Call to Action

Knights and Druids



View Notes

Enter the Portal


Chapter 2 - Forest Gauntlet

1.5 hour

Dodging Demons


Bags of Loot



Demon Mist



View Notes

Made it to Hallowed ground.


Chapter 3 - Bhal Numa

1.5 hour

Entering the Fortress


Castle Chaos

Acogzluk Cornered



Articles under Return of Acgozluk

Cover image: Forest During the Daytime by Tim Mossholder


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