Silver Dragon Shield

My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor

Written by George Sanders

Solid craftsmanship and reinforced seams kept rust from the relic. The wedge shaped shield has two upper tips that resemble wings. Embossed on the metal is an image of a serpentine dragon in a hovering swirl. The shield is almost four feet long and three feet wide. It appears thick enough to stop most arrow and spear points. A cushioned set of grips allow it to absorb the blows of any hammer or mace. An inscription on the back reads "Bend all assaults like a reed in the wind."   The shield is currently on display in old Sun Church in the Auguston Citadel. Researchers from the Holtswain Academy unveiled the shield in their vault after the Silver Dragon of the North came to prominance. It has been on loan to the Church to cater to pilgrims interested in the Silver Dragon. The shield would not have been from the Citadel but found during one of the Academy's archeological trips to the Wildlands in the North. Ruins dot the forests but it was not disclosed where the shield was found.   The shield impacted the political balance of the Citadel as the priest that identified the relic has been declared a champion of the Silver Dragon. An attempt by the church to gain influence over the city. Not to be outdone by the priesthood, the academy has elevated a member of the royal family that was associated with the shield's care as being of sound virtue and untold purity since he did not use it to his advantage. They have installed him as the next regent. Placing someone from their fold in the position second to the crown has raised much in rumor.   As with much in the Citadel, including holy relics, corruption and political manuevering rule the day.

Cover image: Forest During the Daytime by Tim Mossholder


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