Acgozluk's Bane Item in Anhult Wildlands | World Anvil

Acgozluk's Bane

My 1st Wildlands one-shot is published! Check Out Mystery of Thorngage Manor

Written by George Sanders

This item was a weapon made of a titanium alloy inlaid with red rubies. The largest ruby was set in the head of the mace. It is not known how such an alloy was made. The ancient civilizations that made the weapon had access to elemental magic that may have been able to achieve the heat needed to create a titanium alloy.   The ruby on the head of the mace was a prison. Designed to hold one demon, Acgozluk. The mace tapped the demon's power and applied it to assist its wielder. The prison may still be holding Acgozluk but over time his presence corrupted the mace. The demon can talk telepathically to anyone holding the mace or within 10ft of it. It was rumored that the demon could enter the dreams of people connected to the land it stood on. The demon wanted nothing more than to activate the greed and anger of people to spread its own will.   The documentation from the library declared it to be the personal weapon of an Enchantress, named Maeve Lochlainn, from the time before Eylium existed. The Queen engaged in personal combat with the Enchantress several times. The Enchantress could call fire upon her opponents. She could summon demons to help her. Plus, she was resistant to damage from the Queen and some other opponents.   After the Enchantress' defeat. The weapon was stored in the Spring Library. It was locked in its own vault to keep it away from guards, nobles, or other people it might corrupt. When that library was decommissioned the items hidden in it's depths were also lost.   After that, there is some evidence the Mace was taken into Eylium to an apartment in the River District. That was the last potential sighting.

Cover image: Forest During the Daytime by Tim Mossholder


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