strixxline's WorldEmber 2022 - 9/ 24 prompts completed | World Anvil

strixxline Progress Report

Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!
The Feral Sovereign sleeps peacefully, but will return...

Kingdom of Arsavela

The oldest kingdom in Malkora, raised from autumn forests and rolling fields.

1492 words

Cervid Revenant

459 words


1483 words


798 words

Uris Braena

901 words

Savelan Northlands

649 words

Melocazh Barrens

533 words

Brineveil Forest

414 words

strixxline Progress so far

6729 words 67.29% completed!

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Hello, I'm Line! I am a digital artist with a BFA in Design and Illustration, and I've fallen hard into the realm of worldbuilding! I'm a visual artist and writer, a streamer, a gamer, and unapologetically FERAL.   My first world, Malkora, has been my project for 5+ years, and I've still the barest grasp of it. I hope you'll join me on the journey to discovering its secrets!   I'm here to create awesome, fun fantasy content, and hopefully end up with a world open to adventurers!

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