Race to the Ruins
One-shot adventure for 2-6 players in the Anhult Wildlands Setting. This adventure introducing the Anhult Wildlands is available for personal or commercial use. It is laid out to be system agonistic but easily adaptable to any 5e or Pathfinder 2e compatible system. If you use it commericially, please provide the following attribution "Race to the Ruins, an introduction to the Anhult Wildlands https://anhult.com by George Sanders." Enjoy!

The Red Lion Inn had a busy night! As the evening wound down, Vladar Umarov introduced himself. An academic from the South gathering artifacts, he spoke with each party member at length. He sang stories about some of his past discoveries- set to popular melodies.
Vlad came to study the ruins near the Inn. The Holtswain Academy, his sponsor, hordes artifacts. Sometimes selling them to wealthy nobles. "Their expert curations will surely make each find a great boon to society." When Vlad couldn't make the pitch soar, he switched gears. "A healthy hike through the forest and an afternoon studying old buildings. A little digging. That is all I need."
The conversation revealed that the ruins likely hold valuable artifacts. Another team from a competing city, Coral Gate, had shown up to acquire the artifacts as well. Vlad has been in this situation before and does not wish to return home empty-handed. His tone was straightforward. He was out to win. He wanted to know if the party could handle themselves if a tense situation arises. He offered a hefty 50 coin payment to each party member to be an escort. He expects to use their labor when gathering artifacts.
Summary for GMKnowledge Locked Away
Vlad has an internal conflict. He has become disheartened with stealing gathering artifacts. The items locked away, make his work meaningless. Vlad will ask the party their opinion on Etonia, the forest, and magic in the region. Through the adventure the party can convince Vlad to take his research to Etonia and keeping the artifacts in the region they were found. The party can also help him retrieve artifacts, get paid, and continue on their way. Neither the party nor any locals know of the entry points to the ruins that Vlad and Bartholomew aim to uncover.
Competing Party
The team from Coral Gate is led by Bartholomew Racmine, a wizard gathering artifacts for dark magic. The party will find evidence of this along the way, including undead, missing relics, and traps. Revenge for every perceived slight motivates him. He expects to exert control over everyone for his purposes. Bartholomew recovered knowledge on summoning a massive undead entity. He will have his team keep the party busy while he exits. Evidence left being should make Vlad and the party concerned about something dark brewing. Optionally, this could lead to the next adventure to report the incident to Etonia or to a quest-giver in your own setting.
The guides Bartholomew has hired are locals. One is Zehra Spinerender and the other is Thom Fletcher. Zehra works as a guide and bodyguard for dignitaries that come to Etonia. Thom is an expert scribe often hired to write letters for travelers. He maintains a reputation of being trusted to keep information confidential. The pair lead the local thieves guild. They are suspicious of what Bartholomew is doing but keep their heads down to get the job done. They will fight against an aggressive party but may turn against Bartholomew otherwise. Bartholomew's assistant is Gim Wren. Smart and efficient, Gim, is an assassin brought along in case things need 'fixing.'
A connection between the indigenous people of the forest, Sogut, and an older ancient Elven civilization is unknown to the world. Several artifacts in this adventure have writing in two languages to make this connection. A character who knows one language can get a feel for the other with a difficult Intelligence Skill Check in your game system. The artifacts in this adventure are from an group called the Zug Heel who worked as elite guards in the ancestral Sogut civilization. The artifacts Vlad came for can be any item on the Repository level. The artifacts prodivde evidence of an internal divide in the Zug Heel between two brothers. Propaganda and evidence of a resistance shows up in poetry on the artifacts. The Zug Heel built the Repository on top of an older Elven knowledge storage monolith. Bartholomew came for information in the monolith. Earth Elementals were used to make some parts of the Elven structure.
In the Anhult Wildlands most species/lineages are openly welcomed in the region. Few Elves are left in the world. There is no cultural memory of an elven civilization. Kobolds are viewed with suspicion. Goblins are hunted due to recent raiding. Characters playing as a goblin would need to maintain a disguise.
Time Challenge
If the party leaves the Red Lion Inn before dawn, they may arrive before the competing party. The competing party will bypass the Repository level to get ahead. If the party leaves the next morning, they will be behind the entire time. They should see signs of the competing party when they enter the Repository.
Adventure Hooks
The characters could be locals or travelers passing through on the way to Etonia. Locals could be indigenous people of the forest (any half-race in your game system), tradespeople, clergy from the Church, or magic initiates at the Library. Travelers could be people coming to Etonia for the Fish and Biscuit Rally, immigrating from the South, or as caravan guards/drivers.
All the characters were in the tavern and approached by Vlad. They agreed to help and meet with him after the evening settled. Use pre-session Warm Up Questions and a round of introductions reflect that. Discuss content players would want to avoid ahead of the session. Review safety tools at the beginning of the session. Split treasure evenly. Use the highest dice roll among players that all want treasure or an item found.
This is really well done!!
Thanks! I got some experience over the past year. Plus, I know more of the World Anvil layout tricks now. Glad you enjoyed the adventure!