Ruinous Haibun
In the United States, April is National Poetry Month. But regardless of where you're located, it's always a good time to write and celebrate the art of poetry. To celebrate poetry month, the Storytelling Collective team hosted a challenge. Write a poem a day for 2 weeks.
I wrote 14 Haibuns!
The best part is the Storytelling Collective will produce an anthology of submitted poetry, to be published and promoted on DriveThruFiction! I need to pick 3 of the Haibuns to submit. To vote select the boxes with the Haibun titles on the right.
Which Haibuns do you think I should submit?
All of these poems relate to the discoveries, lore, and inscriptions in my Adventure April One Shot! After you vote, check out my submission to the April Adventure Challenge:
Apr 1 - Immortals
Immortal beings fly overhead. Their opulent power sends the world cowering. Storms swirl but no lightning lands. Wicked winds joke but take no opportunity to harm. Gasping for fresh airSilence, a moment too long
Then a new born cry
Apr 2 - Depths
The Depths' weight grows with each step. Oppressive rock and stale air implores an escape. Ignore fear and press ahead. Seek the ancients of earth until the torch falters Across a chasmThin stone stretches to a door
Race to the portal
Apr 3 - Cracks
Faults crack thru rock. Where they intersect new frays appear. The ancient gears lurch when brought close to a fray. Powered by the indulgence of the earth The mighty door swingsGrinding stone spins, buildings fly
Whistle and whirling
Apr 4th - Warning
Young ones, bring your attention. The threat looms. Pick up your sword and shield. We slay our dragon or disappear. Follow the leader's red scepter. Red crystal beams brightInside malevolence grows
No one knew the truth
Apr 5th - Resistance
Come out of the quiet, warriors. Feed your hunger! All must fight. Cross the border. All will fall before us. Glory will follow you in the afterlife. Resistance strugglesNo deficit believing
in defense and peace
Apr 6th - Puzzle
Light filters through windows in the grand hall, sixty feet under ground. The inscription reads, the door can not open until the Spring begins anew. World in disorderSettled seasons are the key
Cold, hot, wet or dry
Apr 7th - Elocution
Try reading the inscription. Elocution matters as the panes of glass swirl from fall leaves and fish to spring greenery and flowers. Damik and TamilOpposed Winter and Summer
Raging as brothers
Apr 8th - Chair
The slow pace offers endless discovery in the ruins. Each bookshelf, every table, stacks of barrels and chests filled with ancient knowledge. The wily chair waitsSoon the researchers will tire
When they sit, it feasts
Apr 9th - Artifacts
Skilled hands scoured the ruins again. Artifacts left in mint condition due to static pressure. The history of the hegemony within reach. Direct memory pastBooks, scrolls, and engravings last
Truth still overcast
Apr 10th - Rain
The storm exceeded the leaves' capacity. Raindrops pushed through the canopy. Drenched in chaos, the only choice to move forward. The trail seemed directDark, rain, thunder had an effect
Lost, the trip wrecked
Apr 11th - Bloom
The brilliant bloom's yellow implied it was worth a look twice. Tendrils wrapped tight and pulled close. Constricted and content due to a sweet scent. Have to awakenMindless existence beckons
Rip, pull, tear, shaken
Apr 12th - Decay
The ancient repository did not speak of decay. Like so many civilizations, they coped by proclaiming glory. The seed of their future lost. A stained glass panelflickers with light. Would you like
Fries with your order?
Apr 13th - Propoganda
After the invasion, the Great Wyrm hunted them. Its unquenchable hunger set upon every city. Citizen and soldier fought, traitors fled to it among trees. Seek the silvered oneBring its storm, put down evil
Bud of renewal
Apr 14th - Lost
As the hours passed by, there was no sign of the destination. Could have waited for the guide but it's sunk cost now. And which way is back? fog, damp leaves I fearsunflowers and daisies please
peek around the tree
Using Twitter
As a part of this project I used the daily word prompts from the VSSCollab, #Bravewrite, and #Inkmine for inspiration. I tweeted each Haibun and put them together as a Thread
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