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Sun 23rd Jun 2024 04:48

Chapter 28: Necromancy Corrupts

by Temerity

We step through the portal and find ourselves in a vast, ominous chamber. The air is thick with the scent of bubbling ooze in the center of the room. The part we’re on is elevated, with gargoyle statues standing sentinel near us. It’s as if this place was designed for a grand showdown between adventurers and an evil wizard. And there he is—Bartholomew, surrounded by several skeletons. The sight of him makes my blood boil.
Julia gives the snake to her owl familiar, Umbra. “Snake?” you ask. Remember, we had Polymorphed Vardai into a snake to help carry the dragon bones. Umbra flies swiftly towards Bartholomew, and just as she’s about to drop the snake, I drop my concentration on the Polymorph spell. Vardai transforms dramatically mid-air, landing right next to Bartholomew and hitting him with her hammer. The blow is solid, but Bartholomew quickly overcomes his surprise. He casts Dimension Door, disappearing from Vardai’s reach.
I try to cast Polymorph on Bartholomew, but he counters it effortlessly. The skeletons turn their attention to Vardai, unleashing a volley of arrows. She takes several hits, but Vardai is too tough to let a few arrows slow her down.
Will, never one to miss an opportunity, fires his Dread Bow at Bartholomew, releasing several arrows. Some find their mark, but Bartholomew remains standing. Eowyn summons a celestial creature she calls the Librarian. It looks like a real librarian, if librarians were also angels. The Librarian immediately engages with Bartholomew, who retaliates with Arcane Bursts.
Then, Bartholomew summons something from the bubbling ooze—a “Summoned Death.” We’ve faced these things before (see Chapter 20: You need a Better Nemesis), and they’re as terrifying as ever. Vardai activates her Javelin of Lightning and charges at Bartholomew again, her rage evident in every step.
I cast Polymorph on the Summoned Death, transforming it into a harmless bunny. Will scoops up the bunny, keeping it out of the fight while continuing to shoot at Bartholomew. Fatina fires her hand crossbow at the skeletons, keeping them at bay.
The skeletons focus their attacks on Vardai, while Eowyn casts an Illuminating Knowledge spell. As she does, one of the gargoyles comes to life and hammers me. I respond with a Hellish Rebuke, sending flames to engulf the gargoyle. It roars in pain, but I manage to maintain my concentration on the Polymorph spell. Summoning Ember, my wildfire spirit, I Fiery Teleport away from the gargoyle.
The second gargoyle activates, but Fatina catches it in a Hypnotic Pattern. Swirling lights dazzle the creature, rendering it temporarily harmless. Another Summoned Death bubbles to life. Julia stays between me and the gargoyles as Eowyn casts spells to defeat them. The Librarian clears out some skeletons while Vardai, ever resilient, takes hit after hit but keeps going. Bartholomew keeps using Dimension Door to stay away from her.
Vardai, shot many times by the skeleton archers, reaches deep inside herself to keep going. I’m not sure how, but she manages to press on and take the attack back to Bartholomew.
I unleash a Scorching Ray on the gargoyles, searing them with intense flames. Julia continues to strike with her Psychic Blades.
In the end, it wasn’t even close. Sure, it looked like Will and I were going to get overrun by gargoyles and summoned deaths, and it seemed like Vardai would never catch Bartholomew. But, when it all came down to Will’s final arrow, it ended Bartholomew’s miserable existence.
After dropping Bartholomew, Eowyn heals Vardai. Her wounds stitch back together from the magical healing. Later, one of us will cast Mending to repair her clothing. I ritually cast Detect Magic. I’m glad I have it prepared again. Lots of magical items on Bartholomew immediately glow.
The Red Dragon Mask is the first thing that catches my eye. This glossy crimson mask has swept-back horns and spiked cheek ridges. Each dragon mask is a legendary wondrous item that reshapes to fit the wearer. While wearing the mask, you gain several benefits, including resistance to fire and the ability to understand Draconic. It’s an impressive item, and I can see why Bartholomew kept it.
Next, I find a Transmuter's Stone. This stone improves my constitution—a perfect match for me, given how often I’m in the thick of battle, trying to hold concentration on my spells.
There’s also a Cloak of the Mountebank. This cape smells faintly of brimstone and allows the wearer to cast Dimension Door once a day. When you disappear, you leave behind a cloud of smoke, reappearing in a similar cloud at your destination.
Finally, there are Bracers of Defense. These bracers make it seem as if someone not wearing armor is now wearing light armor or a shield.
Eowyn identifies the items, and I’m thrilled with the Transmuter’s Stone. As someone often in combat, this boost will allow me to maintain my focus more reliably.
Julia holds onto the Dragon Mask. Continuing to check out the place, we find a door. I search it for traps and, finding none, we open it. Inside is a prisoner—Theia. Fatina and Theia have a short, sweet reunion before we get down to business.
With Bartholomew out of the way, Theia will take over the leadership of Coral Gate. The Transmuter School will no longer dominate, and leadership and prominence will likely go to the Enchantment School (remember that Theia is the High Enchantress). Using my Court Functionary background, I negotiate with Theia to stop the war between Coral Gate and Etonia. We arrange for a council in Montsilt to write a treaty and secure a pardon for Will and Eowyn for any perceived transgressions over the last week. Of course, Etonia gets to keep the captured ships (see Chapter 20: You Need a Better Nemesis).
While that discussion is happening, Eowyn finds evidence implicating Coral Gate in the Nightwalker attack on Ecathan. The documents also link an Icy Realm in the Wildlands to a queen referred to as Queen Moonflower.
Eowyn does a divination spell, asking, “Are there any mages we don’t know about that were secretly working with Bartholomew who are still alive?” She doesn’t learn much from the divination.
With the revelations on the Nightwalker, I worry that Eowyn is trying to hide necromancy information from me. She’s been known to try to hide necromancy books from me previously. I give a monologue plea to Eowyn:
"Eowyn, I know the temptation of power, especially now, in the shadow of what we've just overcome. Necromancy—it’s not just a tool; it’s a perilous path that, once tread, can alter the course of who you are. Remember who we are, what we stand for. We’ve seen firsthand the destruction and sorrow it brings. The manipulation of life and death... it's a violation of nature’s most sacred laws.
We are the shield against the darkness, not its bearer. Our strength lies not in the spells we cast but in the reasons we cast them. Our purpose is to protect, to preserve life, not to puppeteer the dead. Look around you, at the havoc wrought by those who believed they could control such power. We’ve fought too hard to mirror the very shadows we seek to vanquish.
And consider this—every soul deserves peace, not the torment of being bound to this world. By using necromancy, we risk becoming like the evil we just defeated, blinded by the illusion of control and power. We're better than that. You are better than that.
Let’s not stain our victory today with the shadows of yesterday. Let’s honor the lives lost by respecting their rest. Let's be the light that guides the way forward, not the darkness that swallows it. We’ve always found a way, Eowyn, a way that aligns with our hearts and our values. Let’s not change that now. Not when so much is at stake."
I place a reassuring hand on Eowyn’s shoulder, my gaze unwavering, trusting in the bond of our shared battles and the inherent goodness I’ve always known in her.
I’m not sure if Eowyn is just quiet or if she actually listened. I feel a mix of hope and anxiety after my speech. Eowyn has been collecting various books, including necromancy, and I am deeply concerned about how necromancy is evil and corrupts.
After we conclude and restore Coral Gate to peace, we all go our separate ways for a month, agreeing to meet back up in Etonia.
Eowyn returns immediately to Etonia. The place is in chaos. Four thousand elves have returned (from who knows where—very strange). Elves are extremely rare, which is one reason Eowyn is so noticeable (other than the tail, which is very noticeable). I’ll be interested to see if any of the other elves have tails. They need Eowyn’s guidance immediately.
Will returns to Ecathan to catch up with the royal family and spend time with his lover. Julia goes with him to make connections with the Ecathan factions. Vardai is called back to her father’s tribe—they need her help.
Me, after a quick stop in Montsilt to see Lavani and ensure the treaty is secure, I spend time with Grandma Willow. I have to deliver the dragon bones, read the Tome (from the last session), and learn some herbalism from Grandma Willow.
• Thank you to George Sanders, his Anhult Campaign, and World Anvil.